Monday 28 March 2016

Hollywood on your wall

A clever publishing idea from 1973 that only half comes off. Hollywood movie posters have been a visual treat for decades but unless you worked in the industry virtually impossible to get hold of. Why not publish a very large spiral bound book so the poster can easily be removed. The page size is 17.25 by 12 inches with the whole page posters are a bit less because of the margin. Where it falls down slightly is that only half the book is in color: the right-hand pages. Most of these are whole page but sometimes two landscapes stacked.

The first color one is How Bella was won from 1911 then each decade gets a showing up to the sixties with a mono Walk on the wild side (1962). With a rough count of the index I reckon there are 250 plus posters in the 174 pages. Find a copy of the book and start your own movie poster gallery.

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