Thursday, 23 November 2017

Come home with a cable car

A worthwhile souvenir of your children's visit to San Francisco. Open the string-bound folder to find an upright book and two punch-out models to make, one color-printed and the other waiting to be colorized. The models are 6.5 inches long by 2.5 high and these can be placed on the inside of the folder which is printed with a street surface and a turntable that can be rotated. The model is car 52, maybe you travelled on this when you visited.

The twenty page book has an illustrated route map of the three lines (and oddly includes the F Market and Wharves tramline) how the system pulls the forty cars around their routes with a top speed 9.5mph and other bits of history and facts and figures including a cutaway illustration of a car. Did you know the underground cable is only 1.25 inches thick!

The complete pack is a handsome design job by Kit Hinrichs and written by Delphine Hirasuna.

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