Sunday 26 May 2024

Planes to go 2/5

The very dry air and reduced moisture is why thousands of aircraft are parked at three Arizona airports. They are there for storage, maintenance, or destruction. Aircraft are sleek on the outside but cut bits off and miles of wiring, structural supports and all sorts of metal shapes are revealed which is why partially destroyed aircraft are visually so fascinating.

I was disappointed with the fifty photos in the book. Photographer Bartsch has concentrated on the Arizona sky and ground as much as the planes, the book's cover is a good example of this. Other photos have almost black planes but with a light sky, some are out of focus. A filter has been used to get the vibrant blue sky shown in many photos.

Overall it seems a missed opportunity to capture the best of the Arizona plane boneyards. The book though is an excellent print job (with a two hundred screen) on a good matt art paper.



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