Saturday 18 May 2024

Type just not working 1/5

The book should really have been called Type not at work because the author has chosen mostly editorial design where the designers have used type as a graphic element rather than something to read. Page after page show examples of text in long-line blocks, columns of type set to different measures within the same column or overprinted on colored panels so the text is virtually unreadable. Designers of this stuff have failed to understands the basics of typography: words are meant to be read easily so that what they say can be immediately understood. The only professional example of type at work that I found is from the Spanish newspaper El Mundo Depotive with a spread about basketball player Michael Jordan. Big headline, two cutouts and different styles of text that is all readable.

The book is a Spanish production so that country has more examples than the rest of Europe or the US. I don't think it's worth buying even at the low prices on the net.


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